2018 Annual Review

Originally published March 4, 2019

Oregon and Oregonians are at the heart of what we do; from passionate project leaders to dedicated donors, it's the people that are and will make the difference for Oregon’s fish and wildlife. We face profound environmental challenges in Oregon; habitat loss, water quality, and invasive species just to name a few.

What we do about these obstacles is up to us, and sets the stage for our shared future. Oregon Wildlife Foundation connects donors with wildlife projects across Oregon; and through us you can give directly to a project or join us to empower conservation through our grantmaking and fiscal sponsorship programs.

In 2018, with your support, we gave $312,000 in grant awards to 32 projects - ranging from studies of Columbian white-tailed deer and Humboldt marten to habitat improvements and outdoor programming for young people. Through our fiscal sponsorship program we added two new projects in 2018. Fiscal sponsorship allows an organization that's not tax-exempt, to engage in charitable activities under the nonprofit status and tax-exemption of their sponsor. Critical to the decision to bring on a sponsored project, is that it make a meaningful contribution to the Oregon Wildlife Foundation mission. With that, we're delighted to welcome TLP Media and Brown Folks Fishing to our family!

Learn more about our work and the people involved on our blog, throughout our website, and at events and fundraisers. We greatly appreciate the opportunity you've given us to empower conservation throughout Oregon to make a positive impact on wildlife and their habitat.

Thank you for your generous support!

Tim Greseth,

Executive Director of Oregon Wildlife Foundation


Grantee Highlight: Salmon Watch


Enhancing Habitat Saves Lives