How We Empower Conservation
Originally published December 15, 2021
“We love coming across fresh snow tracks of Stormy…It just feels so special to know that there’s only one wolverine out here, and we’re here at the same time.”
Kayla Dreher and Scott Shively, of the Wallowa Wolverine Project, are accustomed to being alone. In the remote eastern slopes of the Wallowa Mountains, they spend their time collecting data on many types of forest predators, including Oregon’s only known wolverine, Stormy. Wolverines are listed as a threatened species through the Oregon Conservation Strategy–with gaping holes in available data, low reproduction rates, climate change, and human activity threatening their habitat, it’s more important than ever to gain a comprehensive understanding of what wolverines need for survival.
Partnerships like this, of dedication, and genuine desire to protect Oregon’s species, are at the core of our work. Countless hours are dedicated each year to skilled monitoring, and the often complicated process of implementing conservation work wouldn't be possible without the strong relationships between partners and true passion for the work being done. This year alone we have partnered with dozens of wildlife professionals and community leaders to work towards a healthier future for Oregon's wildlife and wildlands.
Since our beginnings, we have drawn people together through our shared love of the outdoors. Whether hikers or hunters, boaters or biologists, people involved with the Foundation, all share the same perspective; Oregon is worth protecting. To us, empowering conservation means providing the funding and support needed for projects that will make a lasting difference. Each year we provide up to $100k in grant funding opportunities, and partner with multiple state agencies and other nonprofits to facilitate large scale projects. From our landmark purchase of 17 miles of the lower Deschutes River, to our care and support of smaller initiatives like the Wallowa Wolverine Project, we take pride in knowing that the work we do makes a meaningful impact year after year.
You can support us at any time by making a donation here.